
Sunday, 19 August 2018

Dishonest Employee Defrauded Loan Company

A Milford Haven woman stole from her employer and took out false loans in an effort to balance the books, a court has heard.

Victoria Anne James, of Cherry Tree Close, Mount Estate, Milford Haven, pleaded guilty to theft by employee when she appeared in the dock at Haverfordwest Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 14th August 2018.

The court heard that she had stolen cash from her employer, Valley Finance Ltd, between 5th and 23rd December 2016.

The 35-year-old also pleaded guilty to two charges of committing fraud by making false representations that she was a potential customer of the firm, between the same dates, to gain a cash loan for herself.

Vaughan Pritchard-Jones, prosecuting, told the bench that James started work with the company on 9th November 2016, just weeks before making two false loan applications for £100 in other people's names.

"The company quickly realised something was amiss and say that the shortfall in money she had not put into the account was £832.

"It’s clearly a serious offence because there’s a breach of trust in theft by an employee."

Mike Kelleher, defending, said the matter had been hanging over James' head for 20 months, causing her 'immense stress', and her marriage had broken down in the meantime.

"Her books did not balance. She could not explain why and completely panicked. She took out two false loans, the money gained from that she used to make up the shortfall in her books.

"It’s effectively robbing Peter to pay Paul. One loan has been repaid in full."

Magistrates imposed a community order on James with 50 hours of unpaid work and 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement. They ordered her to pay Valley Finance Ltd compensation in the sum of £1,032, £85 prosecution costs and £85 victim surcharge.

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