
Sunday, 17 February 2019

Bacon Sandwich Rage Results in Broken Mobile Phone

A man has been convicted of criminal damage after smashing his mother's mobile phone.

Robert Young, 23, of Low Fold in Byker, Newcastle, admitted the offence when he appeared at South East Northumberland Magistrates' Court earlier this week.

The court heard that Young, who has autism, fell out with his mother when she refused to give him money for cannabis and prepared his bacon sandwich the wrong way.

Prosecutor James Long said: "The defendant was at home and became upset after about his mother not getting his bacon sandwich done the way he likes it.

"He began calling her names, punched a cupboard door and was in a foul mood for some hours.

"The defendant then asked his mother for £10 so he could buy some cannabis and she refused, so he smashed her phone."

Mr Long read Young's mother's victim personal impact statement, in which she said that she did not want a restraining order but her son would have to find somewhere else to live because she's "had enough of his behaviour".

Alanna Wesencraft, representing Young, told the court that he sometimes struggles to control his emotions and had not been before the court for a number of years.

Young was handed a six-month conditional discharged and ordered to pay £190 compensation for the broken mobile, £40 in court costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

Chair of the bench Gordon Wanless said: "You can't react the way you did to your frustration over the way your mother prepared your bacon sandwich."

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