
Sunday, 29 September 2019

London Recruitment Advisory Committee Seeking Non-Magistrate Members

The London Recruitment Advisory Committee is seeking new non-Magistrate members.

The Advisory Committee is responsible for the recruitment and selection of new Magistrates in the London area. Members are typically involved in sifting, interviewing and selecting prospective Magistrates. Non-Magistrate members bring valuable life experience to the recruitment and selection process.

After two years' appointment there may also be the opportunity to be appointed to the Regional Conduct Panel looking into cases of alleged misconduct or lack of competence by Magistrates, along with other matters affecting Magistrates post-appointment.

The qualities sought in members of Advisory Committees include: good interpersonal skills; good, objective judgment of character and ability; the ability to communicate effectively; awareness of their own personal prejudices and an ability to set them aside; discretion in handling confidential information; understanding or willingness to acquire understanding of the needs of local benches; willingness to talk about the Magistracy and to participate in recruitment activities; the ability to work as a team member; commitment and enthusiasm; willingness to undergo such training as prescribed by the Lord Chancellor.

Members also need to be able to participate in interviewing candidates for the Magistracy and therefore experience of interviewing is an advantage, but not essential.

Membership of the Advisory Committee is voluntary, but reasonable travel and subsistence expenses will be reimbursed. Members in employment are also able to claim an allowance to cover any loss of earnings incurred as a direct result of Advisory Committee duties.

Members can expect a time commitment of at least 10 days interviewing per year as well as a 2-day induction course and occasional meetings.

For further information please refer to:
- "Applying to become a member of an advisory committee or sub-committee: notes for guidance", which can be found here:
- Advert on the Cabinet Office website:

Applications close on 31st January 2020.

For an application form please email:

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