
Monday, 21 October 2019

Bradford Man Jailed for Dangerous Driving

A Bradford man has been jailed for dangerous driving after sparking a police pursuit across the city just moments after being disqualified for a second time.

Muhammad Hassan, 21, of All Alone, Bradford, was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court earlier today, having previously admitted charges of dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance.

HHJ Jonathan Gibson heard that Hassan had been handed a two-year disqualification by the city's Magistrates when he was convicted of drink driving in February 2019.

Despite being banned from the roads, Hassan was caught drink driving for a second time only a few months later. He was sentenced for that matter on 9th September 2019.

Prosecutor Philip Adams told the Judge that Hassan turned up to Bradford Magistrates' Court on 9th September in his car. He was sentenced to a 12-month community order and banned again for three years for drink driving and a public order offence. No sooner had he left the court building, CCTV cameras caught Hassan getting into his vehicle and driving away.

A short time later Hassan's vehicle was spotted by the police, who activated their blue lights in an attempt to pull it over. Hassan failed to stop and officers gave chase. In the pursuit that followed Hassan ignored "No Entry" signs, exceeded the speed limit and caused the drivers of several other vehicles to take evasive action.

Barrister Jessica Heggie, for Hassan, said the dangerous driving was over a relatively short distance and thankfully it did not involve a collision.

HHJ Gibson said although no-one was injured Hassan had clearly put people at risk by his manner of driving.

"Having been disqualified and then driving you simply flouted the court's order," he told Hassan.

Hassan was sentenced to 6 months' custody. He was disqualified from driving for 3 years and 3 months and will have to undergo an extended driving test in order to get his licence back at the end of the disqualification period.

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