
Sunday, 28 April 2024

Formal Warning for Ranting Magistrate

A Magistrate who "ranted loudly" at a member of court staff has received a formal warning.

Don Wicks JP, of the Essex North Bench, was said to have shouted at a member of court staff on two separate occasions. It was further alleged that he had failed to engage with the Bench Chair in relation to the outbursts.

The allegations were referred to the South East Regional Advisory Committee for investigation.

A conduct panel concluded that Mr Wicks "had ranted loudly" and "in an aggressive manner" at the staff member concerned. The panel was of the view that the comments were inappropriate and threatening.

The panel did not make any misconduct findings with regard to Mr Wicks' alleged lack of engagement with the Bench Chair.

Mr Wicks accepted that he had raised his voice towards the member of staff on both occasions, but said his actions were borne out of frustration. He has apologised to the staff member concerned.

Mr Justice Keehan and the Lord Chancellor agreed with the conduct panel's findings that Mr Wicks' actions risked damage to the reputation and good standing of the wider judiciary and issued Mr Wicks with a formal warning.

You can read the disciplinary statement on the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office's website.

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