
Thursday, 2 May 2024

Solicitor Injured During Stratford Magistrates' Court Security Incident

The London Criminal Courts Solicitor's Association (LCCSA) has written to His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) as a result of what it describes as a serious incident at Stratford Magistrates' Court yesterday.

A few days ago we described how the LCCSA was concerned about the treatment of its members by security staff working at the court.

The exact nature of the latest allegation is somewhat unclear, but the LCCSA's latest letter, published in a tweet earlier today by CrimeLine, suggests some sort of incident has taken place between one of its member solicitors and security staff.

The text of the letter in full:



We understand there was a serious incident involving court security officers and a solicitor acting as duty at Stratford Magistrates' Court yesterday (1st May 2024), as a result of which the solicitor was injured.

We also understand that police officers present in the building were called upon to intervene.

Based on the reports we have received, we are seriously concerned and appalled at the alleged behaviour of the security officers involved.

Given the seriousness of the alleged incident, and the already documented history of complaints against security staff at Stratford Magistrates' Court (which are already the subject of an official complaint by this association), we have no confidence at the moment that those tasked with ensuring the safety of our members and colleagues at this court are capable of doing so.

We therefore demand the immediate suspension from duty of all the security officers involved in the incident, pending a full, independent investigation into the facts.

Should these security officers continue to work at this court, we may recommend to our members that they do not attend Stratford Magistrates' Court until this situation has been resolved.

Edward Jones

LCCSA President


These are very serious matters and it is to be hoped that HMCTS gets to the bottom of things quickly.

On a personal note, I have to say that I hold the OCS security staff at my courts in high regard. I have always found them to be very polite, fair, friendly and efficient in their duties. I have also found that to be the case when I visit other venues where I am not recognised.

It is disappointing to hear that this might not be the case elsewhere.

Very disappointing indeed.

Update (3/5/24): Further details are now emerging about the incident. Jamie Hamilton, news editor of legal community website Roll On Friday, has reported witness accounts of how the solicitor in question got into a disagreement with security staff after nipping out of the building for a quick cigarette.

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