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Thursday 7 April 2022

Former Red Arrows Ace Convicted of Possessing Indecent Images of Children

A distinguished former RAF Red Arrows pilot has come down to earth with a resounding thump, having been convicted of possessing indecent images of children.

Andrew Lloyd, formerly known as Andrew Cubin, 59, of Wood Close, Windsor, admitted three offences under section 1 of the Protection of Children Act 1978 when he appeared at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 5th April 2022.

The maximum penalty for this offence is 10 years' custody on conviction on indictment; 6 months' custody and/or an unlimited fine on summary conviction.

Keith Ballinger, prosecuting, said that Wiltshire Police received information relating to an IP address being used to upload indecent images of children to the internet.

Investigations revealed that the IP address was associated with a property in Kings Meadow, Crudwell, near Malmesbury, which police attended on Wednesday, 17th February 2021.

Lloyd, who was at the property, was arrested. He made a significant statement to officers, telling them "you can take my laptop, I used that", adding "I have removed all the images".

Various items were seized from the property. Subsequent analysis of the laptop revealed a number of indecent images of children, including several in video format.

Magistrates heard that examination of the device yielded 48 of the most serious "Category A" images, featuring children engaged in sexual penetration; 39 "Category B" images featuring children engaged in non-penetrative sexual activity; and 10 "Category C" other indecent images of children.

Lloyd made full and frank admissions when he was interviewed by the police. During the interview Lloyd made reference to his daughter, who tragically died at the age of 14 a few years ago.

The former fast jet pilot was awarded the MBE for his military service in the 1997 New Year Honours list. Since retiring from the RAF he has worked as a commercial airline pilot.

Having carefully considered the circumstances, Magistrates were of the view that their sentencing powers were insufficient to deal with Lloyd's offences.

They ordered a pre-sentence report and sent the case to Swindon Crown Court for sentencing.

Lloyd was granted unconditional bail until his sentencing hearing on Friday, 6th May 2022.

He was told he must register as a sex offender at Bracknell Police Station within 72 hours.

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