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Friday 22 April 2022

Houdini-Like Newcastle Crook Somehow Dodges Pokey

A Newcastle career crook has (somehow) managed to avoid a stint behind bars despite committing a string of offences involving violence and endangerment to the public.

Thomas Goldsborough, 44, of Cedar Road, Fenham, Newcastle, previously admitted driving whilst disqualified, driving without insurance, shop theft, assaulting an emergency worker and two charges of drug driving.

He denied a second charge of assaulting an emergency worker, but failed to attend for trial and was convicted in his absence.

Goldsborough was arrested on warrant and appeared in custody at Newcastle Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, 20th April 2022.

Deputy District Judge Andrew Teate heard that Goldsborough attended the BP service station at Newcastle Airport on the early morning of Monday, 9th August 2021.

Staff called the police when Goldsborough, who had filled up his car, entered the shop and stole a number of confectionary items.

Niamh Reading, prosecuting, outlined the circumstances: "While speaking to the defendant, it was clear he was intoxicated. At this stage, due to information received, the officers arrested him.

"They located a number of items from the kiosk in the defendant's clothing. He was taken to custody but later taken to the RVI (Royal Victoria Infirmary) due to advice from the custody nurse.

"At 10 am the same morning, an officer was waiting at the RVI for the defendant to be triaged. He slumped to the floor and was pulled back up onto his feet. He said "I can't walk, you c**t" and, using his left foot, he kicked the officer to the left leg, causing immediate pain."

Miss Reading went on to explain that Goldsborough was released under investigation for those matters.

Three months later, on Sunday, 14th November 2021, police attended a property following reports that Goldsborough had been assaulted. Officers had cause to arrest Goldsborough and whilst doing so he spat at them.

Miss Reading added: "The spit contained blood from an injury to his mouth and it hit the officer on the forehead, face, left arm and stab vest."

Goldsborough denied this offence, but was convicted when he failed to attend for trial.

Neil Connell, mitigating, told the court that his client - who has convictions for 104 previous offences - had been struggling with his mental health at the time. He had been using alcohol and cocaine in an attempt to alleviate problems, so had little recollection of either incident.

Having carefully listened to the circumstances, Deputy District Judge Teate was of the view that Goldsborough's offences, when considered in the whole, were so serious that only a custodial sentence was appropriate.

However, for reasons which aren't immediately apparent, the Judge took the view that it was appropriate to suspend the custodial term.

Goldsborough was sentenced to 34 weeks' custody suspended for 18 months, with a 3 month electronically monitored curfew requirement.

He was also ordered to pay £200 compensation to the police officer he spat at and £22 compensation to the BP service station.

A further period of driving disqualification would have been imposed, although this is not mentioned in the article.

If you're a crook in Newcastle then Neil Connell is clearly the man you want batting for you!

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