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Thursday 15 September 2022

Crooked Roofer Fleeced Vulnerable Powys Woman

A crooked roofer fleeced a vulnerable Powys woman for thousands over a period of several months.

Leslie James Smith, 26, admitted an offence of fraud and another of recklessly engaging in a commercial practice when he appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, 14th September 2022.

Fraud is an offence under section 1 of the Fraud Act 2006. It has a maximum penalty of 12 months' custody on summary conviction; 10 years' custody on conviction on indictment. The specific mode of fraud in this case has not been reported.

Recklessly engaging in a commercial practice is an offence under section 8(1) of The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. It has a maximum penalty of 12 months' custody and/or an unlimited fine on summary conviction; 2 years' custody and/or an unlimited on conviction on indictment.

Magistrates heard that Smith agreed to carry out roofing work on a property in Felindre, near Knighton, last year.

Over a three month period he asked for more and more money from the woman, eventually accepting more than £60,000 for a job independently valued at only £1,500.

Rob Brown, prosecuting on behalf of Powys County Council, told the court: "The victim paid the defendant £60,000 for work on a roof renovation.

"He visited her on several occasions requesting more money for further works, as well as for material and equipment.

"He said one time that he needed money to subsidise his workers for other jobs, which is illegal.

"Despite the money provided, the work that was carried out has been valued as being worth £1,500. He has since abandoned the works, leaving the property without a roof.

"The victim had also called out a plumber and he noticed that the work carried out actually blocked the flue, it was incompetent."

Having considered the circumstances and totality of Smith's offending, Magistrates were of the view that their sentencing powers for insufficient.

In particular, Simon Green, Presiding Justice, highlighted the vulnerability of the victim and large sum of money involved.

Smith was granted unconditional bail until his sentencing at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court on Wednesday, 28th September 2022.

I am slightly disappointed in the reporting of this case. In particular, the omission of Smith's address and the trading name he was using. It is possible other people have fallen victim to his exploits, which more comprehensive reporting might allow them to identify.

This is not a very pleasant offence - repeatedly draining his target of a significant sum, which may well have amounted to her life savings. It takes a particular arrogance and wayward moral compass to do such a thing.

I would hope that Smith's sentencing hearing is reported in a bit more detail and will endeavour to provide an update then.

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