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Friday 16 December 2022

Axe-Wielding Northumberland Arsonist Smashed Girlfriend's Front Door and Torched Her Belongings

An axe-wielding Northumberland arsonist smashed down his girlfriend's front door and torched her belongings.

William McPhee, 22, of Lilly Avenue, Bedlington, admitted offences of arson, possession of an offensive weapon and criminal damage when he appeared at Mid and South East Northumberland Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 15th December 2022.

Arson is an offence under section 1(3) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971. The maximum penalty is 12 months' custody on summary conviction; life imprisonment on conviction on indictment.

Magistrates heard that McPhee and his girlfriend had been in a relationship for 19 months and have a child together.

McPhee had argued with the woman on the evening of Friday, 7th October 2022, after wrongly identifying her as the star of a pornographic video he had watched online. She left the property the couple shared and took refuge at her mother's home.

Matters came to ahead early the following morning, Saturday, 8th October, when McPhee called his girlfriend's mother and demanded to speak to her.

Greg Flaxon, prosecuting, said: "She spoke with him and, quite strangely, he accuses her of being in a pornographic video he had seen online, which she categorically refutes and doesn't know what he's talking about. He attempted to make further contact with her at 8 am and then attended the address.

"He shouted "Let me see my son, if you don't come to the door, I will drive my car through it". There is then a loud bang at the front door and panes of glass have been smashed. The defendant gets in his vehicles and drives away."

The victim then viewed CCTV footage, which showed McPhee smashing up the door with an axe he had taken from the boot of his car. The 22-year-old has a previous conviction for possession of a bladed article.

The police were called and attended the property McPhee and his girlfriend shared in Ashington. Officers discovered the smoldering remains of a fire in the back yard, which contained various items of her clothing and hair dryer.

McPhee was arrested, telling officers "I did wrong".

Mr Flaxon described the offences as "revenge" for the video McPhee had seen online, therefore they were planned to a certain extent.

Graham Crouth, mitigating, said his client had been subject to a "decending rage" after seeing the video.

Mr Crouth said: "He saw the videos and was convinced it was his partner. It doesn't, however, excuse the behaviour that came afterwards but it does provide some context."

Considering the circumstances and totality of McPhee's offending, Magistrates took the view that their sentencing powers were insufficient.

Keith McIntosh JP, Presiding Justice, said: "The offensive weapon and the arson are serious offences.

"One of the offences aggravates the other. You went to the address with the intention of causing damage and you were carrying an axe. You then you took part in a revenge attack by destroying her property.

"It's a domestic incident, which falls under the umbrella of domestic violence, which makes it more serious. You also have a previous conviction for carrying a bladed article."

McPhee was granted unconditional bail until his sentencing hearing at Newcastle Crown Court on Thursday, 12th January 2023.

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