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Thursday 12 January 2023

Blue Singer Lee Ryan Racially Assaulted Cabin Crew Member

Lee Ryan of the boy band Blue has been convicted of the racially aggravated common assault of a member of British Airways cabin crew.

Ryan, 39, denied the offence, but was convicted following a trial at Ealing Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 12th January 2022.

He was flying between Glasgow and London City on Sunday, 31st July 2022.

Magistrates heard that Ryan boarded the flight under the influence of alcohol, having consumed a whole bottle of port in the BA lounge prior to departure.

The pretentious pop star, who was travelling in economy, tried to blag his way to an upgrade, telling crew members that he was famous and other passengers were bothering him. Sadly for him, they didn't have a clue who he was.

BA employee Leah Gordon refused to serve him further alcohol, noting that he was already slurring his words and staggering around in the cabin. Ryan refused to return to his seat when instructed to by the crew.

Giving evidence, Ms Gordon told the court: "He was making comments about my complexion, 'you're my chocolate darling, my chocolate cookie, and I'm going to have your chocolate children'.

"It felt like he was saying I was beautiful for a black person because of the way he was describing my colour."

Ms Gordon said that Ryan later approached her from behind, saying: "Before I get off this plane I need a kiss from you."

She told him to stay away, at which point he grabbed her by the wrists.

"He was towering over me, like he was leaning in to give me a kiss," Ms Gordon said.

She added: "I was intimidated. To get comments about my colour whether intentional or not, it was just unacceptable and so derogatory. I just felt like it wasn't fair and I shouldn't have to put up with it. I don't go to work to be assaulted or harassed."

Ryan said he never intended to cause any distress or behave in a racist manner.

He said: "I'm sorry. My band member is black, I'm not racist, I've had black girlfriends, mixed-race girlfriends. It was banter, just drunk banter I suppose, there was no malice or intention to upset anyone."

The singer was also critical of BA's hospitality in providing unlimited free alcohol before he boarded the flight.

Police were awaiting the arrival of the flight at London City Airport.

Luke Bowyer, prosecuting, described how Ryan "snarled" and "sobbed" as the officers escorted him from the aircraft. Body worn video also showed him biting at the hand of one of the officers.

Mike Rainford, defending, argued that no offensive language was used, but that was rejected by the court.

In addition to racially aggravated common assault, Ryan was also convicted of behaving in a threatening, abusive or disorderly manner towards aircraft crew; being drunk on board an aircraft; and assault on an emergency worker.

He was granted conditional bail until his sentencing hearing at the same court on Friday, 24th February 2023.

Emerging from the court, Ryan unfurled an umbrella in an attempt to conceal his face from the cameras. He also entered a nearby school to take refuge.

Update (17/6/23): Ryan has been back at court in effort to have his assault on an emergency worker conviction rescinded. Read how he got on.


Anonymous said...

What sentence will Lee accept to receive?

Magistrates Blogger said...

It depends on a lot of factors - far more than will have been reported by the media. The maximum sentence for the assault on an emergency worker is 6 months' custody; drunk on board an aircraft is 2 years' custody; racially aggravated common assault is 6 months' custody; threatening, abusive or disorderly behaviour is a max fine at level 3 (£1000). The court will likely sentence all offences in the whole using the totality principle. Even so, it is probably unlikely he'll receive a custodial sentence. More likely community band.