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Monday 6 February 2023

Northampton Burglar Faces Speedy Summary Justice

A Northampton burglar has been jailed within 48 hours of breaking into a house.

Miranda Gaisford, 35, previously of Carey Street, Northampton, admitting one offence of burglary when she appeared in custody at Northampton Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 31st January 2023.

Burglary is an offence under section 9 of the Theft Act 1968. Burglary of a dwelling, as in this case, has a maximum penalty of 14 years' custody on conviction on indictment; 12 months' custody on summary conviction.

There is not a lot of reporting about this case, but it would appear that Gaisford was caught red-handed inside the property on St George's Avenue, Northampton, on the evening of Sunday, 29th January 2023.

PC Christina Cooper of Northamptonshire Police, said: "Miranda Gaisford showed a complete disregard for this person’s home and during the hours of darkness, took the opportunity to smash the window, enter the property and cause damage inside.

"I am pleased that she has been sentenced for her crime and I hope it acts as a warning to other burglars that Northamptonshire is a hostile place for these acts of criminality."

The case was dealt with by a District Judge, although I am not sure who. Using the court's recently extended sentencing powers, the DJ sentenced Gaisford to 12 months' custody. Until these powers came into force, it was virtually unheard of for the Magistrates' Court to sentence a domestic burglar.

This is the first case I am aware of where the Magistrates' Court has imposed a sentence of 12 months' custody for a single either way offence, despite nay sayers wrongly predicting that prisons would be overflowing with people handed such a sentence.

It would appear that the system has worked pretty well in this case, with a burglar sentenced and off the streets within the space of 48 hours. Speedy, efficient, economic summary justice - exactly the way it's meant to be.

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