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Saturday 6 May 2023

Update: Former Norfolk Police Inspector Sentenced Over Obscene Messages

A former Norfolk police inspector has been sentenced for sending obscene and indecent messages in which he discussed committing child sexual abuse.

Jonathan (Jon) Pierre Papworth, 46, admitted two offences of using a public electronic communications network to send indecent and obscene messages when he appeared at Norwich Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 21st February 2023.

This is an offence under section 127(1) of the Communications Act 2003. It has a maximum penalty of 6 months' custody and/or an unlimited fine on summary conviction.

He was back at the same court for sentencing on Friday, 28th April 2023.

We wrote about Papworth's conviction at the time. Briefly, he was caught out by sending obscene messages to an undercover officer. 

Although there were few details published at the time of his conviction, the fact that District Judge Elizabeth Hart made an interim sexual harm prevention order - an order that can only be made when the court is satisfied that a person poses a risk of sexual harm to members of the public - gave an indication of the nature of Papworth's offences.

Papworth was sentenced to 8 weeks' custody suspended for 24 months.

He was also ordered to pay £128 surcharge and £85 towards prosecution costs.

Details of a Norfolk Constabulary misconduct hearing were published at the conclusion of criminal proceedings.

The panel, chaired by Chief Constable Paul Sandford, found Papworth guilty of gross misconduct which would have warranted immediate dismissal had he not already resigned.

Papworth's name has also been added to the Police Barred List.

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