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Sunday 25 June 2023

Belligerent Cumbrian Man Jailed for Disqualified Riding of E-Scooter

A belligerent Cumbrian man has been jailed for riding an e-scooter in Carlisle city centre despite being disqualified from driving.

Callum Kerr, 27, of Burn Street, Longtown, was convicted of disqualified driving and driving without insurance at an earlier trial at Carlisle Magistrates' Court.

He failed to attend, so the trial went ahead in his absence.

He was sentenced by the same court last week.

Driving whilst disqualified is an offence under section 103 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. It has maximum penalty of 26 weeks' custody and/or a fine at level 5 (unlimited) on summary conviction.

Kerr, who has an extensive record, is currently remanded in custody on Crown Court matters, so appeared before Magistrates via videolink.

He was convicted on the basis that he rode an e-scooter down London Road, Carlisle, on 4th October 2022, whilst disqualified from driving. As he was disqualified, his riding of the scooter was also uninsured.

Magistrates were of the view that Kerr's offences were so serious that only a custodial sentence was appropriate.

He was sentenced to 90 days' custody and ordered to pay £154 surcharge and £620 towards prosecution costs.

He was also disqualified from driving for 228 days.

No separate penalty was imposed in relation to the driving without insurance, although his driving licence will be endorsed.

According to reports, Kerr was quite belligerent throughout the hearing.

Clearly unimpressed, he told the bench: "You're joking! It's an electric scooter. The police drive past boys on them every day. I want this referred to the Crown Court.

"It's not a fair trial."

As he left the booth, he told Magistrates: "I want this referred to the Crown Court. I hope you all get run over by a bus."

The 90 day custodial sentence imposed by the bench is entirely notional, as Kerr is not being released from prison anytime soon.

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