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Thursday 27 July 2023

Northampton Man Jailed for Driving Hours After Disqualification

A Northampton man has been jailed for driving only hours after he was disqualified from doing so.

Kumni Labinjo, 38, of Rounding Street, Northampton, admitting driving whilst disqualified when he appeared at Northampton Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 25th July 2023.

By virtue of his disqualification, Labinjo also had no insurance to cover his use of his grey Range Rover Evoque.

Driving whilst disqualified is an offence under section 103 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. It has maximum penalty of 26 weeks' custody and/or a fine at level 5 (unlimited) on summary conviction.

Magistrates heard that Labinjo was convicted of driving with excess alcohol at the same court the previous day, Monday, 24th July 2023. At that hearing he was disqualified from driving for a period of 36 months.

Just a few hours later, at 9.10 pm, officers stopped a vehicle being driven by Labinjo.

Driving whilst disqualified is a very serious matter. Labinjo's offence is aggravated by the fact it has happened only a few hours after the disqualification was imposed. The court always takes a very dim view of any defendant who cocks a snook its orders.

At the time he was disqualified, he would have been left under no illusion that he must not drive a vehicle on any road or public place until the period of disqualification had expired and his licence had been returned by the DVLA.

Given the circumstances, Magistrates have taken the view that Labinjo's offence is so serious that only a custodial sentence was appropriate.

He was jailed for 12 weeks and ordered to pay £154 surcharge and £85 towards prosecution costs.

He was also disqualified from driving for a period of 46 months (so an additional 10 months).

No separate penalty was imposed in relation to the insurance offence.

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