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Saturday 5 August 2023

Drunken Kent Man Urinated On Frankie & Benny's Floor

A Kent man drunkenly urinated on the floor of a busy family restaurant in a row over change.

Liam Jangi, 33, of Haine Road, Ramsgate, admitted offences of criminal damage and racially-aggravated disorderly behaviour when he appeared at Margate Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 3rd August 2023.

Criminal damage is an offence under section 1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971. Criminal damage below £5,000 is a summary offence, with a maximum penalty of 3 months' custody and/or a fine at level 4. We have previously written a guide to the offence of criminal damage, which some readers may find of interest.

Magistrates heard that the offences took place at Frankie & Benny's, Westwood Cross Shopping Centre, Broadstairs, on 21st August 2022.

Jangi, who was in drink, became aggrieved at the loose change he was handed when he made a purchase.

Terry Knox, prosecuting, said: "He orders a drink, pays in cash and receives change, but he is given four five-pence coins instead of one 20-pence piece.

"He gets upset and annoyed and begins shouting abuse."

Staff at the restaurant asked Jangi to leave, which he agreed to do after visiting the toilet.

However, in an unexpected twist, Jiangi decided to urinate on the hallway floor instead of making it all the way to the gents.

Police were called and Jangi directed racist and homophobic insults at the officer.

A section 9 statement by PC Permale said: "[Jangi] acknowledged me and told me to fuck off – he was slightly slurred and I formed the opinion that he was drunk."

The officer then recounted racially offensive language used by the defendant.

Rob Quinn, mitigating, said: "He has told me he's very little recollection of what happened because he was drunk.

"He was running his mouth off while his brain wasn't engaged."

Mr Quinn went on to explain that his client had experienced recent personal difficulties, including an ongoing case in the Family Court. He had tried to use alcohol as a coping mechanism, but has now "reassessed his life" and is sober.

The 33-year-old reiterated his apologies to the officer concerned. He also thanked the officer for taking care of him when he was in such a state.

Drunkenness is an explanation frequently heard by the court, despite it normally being considered an aggravating factor. The court works on the assumption that adults should be responsible enough to moderate their own alcohol intake.

Magistrates noted that Jiangi was currently subject to a community order. However, given the nature of the offences at hand they were content to let the order continue and decided to impose a discharge.

Jiangi was made subject to a 12-month conditional discharge.

He was also ordered to pay £80 in compensation to Frankie & Benny's, £70 in compensation to PC Permale, £85 towards prosecution costs and £26 surcharge.

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