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Friday 8 September 2023

Norfolk Man Caught Driving to Court Whilst Disqualified

A Norfolk man has been convicted of driving whilst disqualified after being caught driving to court.

Osvaldas Zeniauskas, 35, of King's Lynn, admitted driving whilst disqualified at a previous hearing at King's Lynn Magistrates' Court.

Driving whilst disqualified is an offence under section 103 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. It has maximum penalty of 26 weeks' custody and/or a fine at level 5 (unlimited) on summary conviction.

Sentencing was adjourned pending the completion of reports.

It would appear that Zeniauskas borrowed his brother's car to drive to the sentencing hearing, because he was worried about being late.

The police have pulled over the vehicle, being driven by the still-disqualified defendant, so have reported him for a second offence of driving whilst disqualified.

Zeniauskas was finally sentenced at Norwich Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 7th September 2023.

Wayne Ablett, prosecuting, described Zeniauskas's latest offence as a "complete disregard for the order of the court".

Annette Hall, mitigating, told the court: "He has made a monumental and significant error of judgement. He has explained to me there is no excuse for his decision to drive."

Ms Hall obviously has formidable advocacy skills, because she has somehow persuaded the bench not to impose an immediate custodial sentence.

Zeniauskas was sentenced to 18 weeks' custody suspended for 18 months, with the requirements that he completes 150 hours' unpaid work, 50 rehabilitation days and 90 days' alcohol monitoring.

His driving disqualification was extended by a period of 2 years.

Although not reported, the court should also have ordered payment of £154 surcharge and £85 towards prosecution costs.

I would be extremely interested in the logic behind the court's decision to suspend the period of custody, but of course there's no mention of it.

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