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Wednesday 22 November 2023

Cambridgeshire Rogue Roofer Jailed for Fleecing Elderly Man

A rogue roofer has been jailed for fleecing an elderly man of more than £1,300.

Lee Holliday, 41, of Welland Road, Dogsthorpe, Peterborough, was sentenced for an offence of fraud by false representation when he appeared at Peterborough Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 16th November 2023.

Fraud by false representation is an offence under section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006. It has a maximum penalty of 26 weeks' custody and/or an unlimited fine on summary conviction; 10 years' custody and/or an unlimited fine on conviction on indictment.

The offence stems back to February 2023, when Holliday approached an elderly man and told him he was doing work on the roof of a neighbouring property. Holliday said he had noticed some damage to the man's roof that needed urgent repair.

The man agreed and paid Holliday £800 for damp treatment to his roof. Holliday paid several visits to the property, telling the man that the cost had increased and demanding more money. The rogue roofer, who has a history of similar swindles, even went as far as walking the man to the cash machine to get payment. In total the man handed over £1,300, but no work was completed.

Having heard about Holliday's antics, the victim's concerned brother and neighbours reported the matter to the police. Officers recovered CCTV footage from the cash machines used by the man, which was used to identify Holliday as the culprit.

Magistrates considered the offence so serious that only a custodial sentence was appropriate.

Holliday was sentenced to 26 weeks' custody and ordered to pay £625 in compensation (even though Holliday has taken twice as much, the court is obliged to give consideration to his ability to pay it back).

He was also made subject to a restraining order which prohibits him from contacting the victim.

Detective Constable Andrew Donaldson, the investigating officer, said: "Holliday was cold and callous in his pursuit of the victim, demanding more money for work on his home which likely wasn't needed and was never carried out.

"He took advantage of the victim’s vulnerability so I am glad justice has been done today."

Cases like this make my blood boil. I am pleased to see this drain on society will be spending Christmas behind bars.

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