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Monday 27 November 2023

Teenagers on Trial for the Murder of Brianna Ghey

The trial of the sixteen-year-old boy and girl accused of murdering of Brianna Ghey starts today.

Brianna, 16, was fatally wounded whilst walking in Culcheth Linear Park on the northern outskirts of Warrington on Saturday, 11th February 2023. Her injuries were consistent with having been stabbed.

Brianna was transgender and according to friends and family had endured years of transphobic harassment and bullying prior to her death.

The trial, which is expected to last three weeks, takes place before The Honourable Mrs Justice (Amanda) Yip at Manchester Crown Court.

Orders under section 45 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 prohibit the publication of any information or images that might lead to the identification of the defendants.

Those orders remain in force until the defendants' eighteenth birthdays, unless the court takes the wholly unusual decision to rescind them earlier.

Journalists Liz Hull and Caroline Cheetham, creators of the widely-acclaimed The Trial of Lucy Letby podcast, will be in court each day and giving regular updates both in print and audio.

Listen to The Trial: Brianna Ghey on Spotify.

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