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Sunday 12 May 2024

Anger Management Issues: Cheshire Woman Entered Neighbour's Home and Knocked Her Teeth Out

A Cheshire woman with "anger management issues" entered a neighbour's home and knocked her front teeth out.

Lisa Bell, 39, of Stonelea, Runcorn, admitted one offence of assault occasioning actual bodily harm when she appeared at Warrington Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 9th May 2024.

Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) is an offence under section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. It has a maximum penalty of 26 weeks' custody on summary conviction; 5 years' custody on conviction on indictment.

Magistrates heard that Bell entered the complainant's home on Saturday, 29th July 2023.

Once inside she made for the living room where the woman was sat watching the television. Bell then punched the woman to the face, knocking out her two front teeth and causing a split lip.

Police were called and spoke to Bell outside the property. When asked if she (Bell) had sustained any injuries, she replied: "Yes, she (the complainant) hit my knuckles with her teeth."

In a victim personal statement, the complainant described how she is fearful of leaving the house and anxious about her appearance.

"As a result of this incident I have suffered a lot of stress emotionally and physically," she said.

"I am constantly covering my mouth as I am too self-conscious missing my front teeth."

She has attended eight dental appointments, but work is still ongoing to repair her mouth.

The woman explained that she had to use a taxi, at cost of £40 each time, to visit the dentist, because she lacked the confidence to venture out on public transport.

Robert Earl, prosecuting, told the court that Bell had previous convictions for offences against the person and witness intimidation.

Peter Green, mitigating, told the court that his client had been out of trouble for the last nine years "but clearly there are some anger management issues".

Magistrates were of the view that Bell's offence was so serious that only a custodial sentence was appropriate. However, they elected to suspend the custodial term on the basis that she had a realistic prospect of rehabilitation.

She was sentenced to 24 weeks' custody suspended for 18 months, with the requirement that she completes up to 25 days' rehabilitation activity.

She was also ordered to pay £1,500 in compensation and made subject to a restraining order, which prohibits her from contacting the complainant or entering her home for the next 18 months.

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