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Thursday 11 July 2024

Wiltshire Lout Headbutted Youth in Disagreement Over Wifi

A Wiltshire man headbutted a youth who refused to share his mobile phone's wifi hotspot during a bus journey.

Wayne Hobbs, 50, of Welcombe Avenue, Swindon, admitted an offence of assault by beating when he appeared at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, 10th July 2024.

Assault by beating, an offence contrary to section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, has a maximum penalty of 26 weeks' custody on summary conviction.

Magistrates heard that Hobbs, who is well acquainted with the criminal justice system, was a stranger to the 17-year-old male he was sitting behind on the bus on Saturday, 4th May 2024.

Adam Cooper, prosecuting, told the court that Hobbs, who was unsteady on his feet, had asked the youth if he could share the wifi hotspot on his mobile phone.

Clearly aggrieved at the youth's refusal, the 50-year-old lout decided to headbutt him.

Mr Cooper said: "The young man is petrified and shaking and calls a family member to meet him.

"Mr Hobbs said 'watch your back now. If you leave the bus I will follow you and beat the shit out of you'.

"This left the victim even more petrified."

Gordon Hobson, mitigating, told the court: "He (Hobbs) has no explanation why he behaved in that way after a bizarre conversation."

Magistrates ordered pre-sentence reports prior to Hobbs' sentencing at the same court on Tuesday, 23rd July 2024.

He was granted unconditional bail until that time.

This is a particularly unpleasant, totally unprovoked attack with many aggravating features. In my view, there is a real prospect of custody.

Update (15/8/24): Hobbs has now been sentenced.

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