Dear colleagues
This is obviously a challenging time for us all and I want to reassure you that the significant contribution that you are making as magistrates is recognised and valued by the senior judiciary, HMCTS and the MA. We are all working together to keep the courts functioning, thus ensuring that the rule of law is maintained. This is fundamental to our democracy. We all need to ensure a calm approach and to continue to play our part in delivering justice.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have all received numerous communications concerning the current pandemic. The situation changes daily but, however it develops, it is essential that we all follow national guidance, which is available on Magistrate Matters (login required). I strongly encourage you to visit it at least once every day for the foreseeable future.
Some of you will need to request leave of absence because you are self-isolating or must look after loved ones and that is entirely correct. Others may be prepared to undertake extra sittings and for that you will receive our most grateful thanks.
New and innovative ways of working, particularly the use of technology to avoid unnecessary contact, are being used. There will inevitably be teething problems, but we must endeavour to work together to overcome these.
A significant amount of advice and guidance has been issued in recent days by the senior judiciary and HMCTS, and there is more to come. We have collated all this guidance into one place, on our website here (login required). We hope this is a useful resource for members and we will keep it up to date as the situation develops. And I repeat my advice to consult Magistrate Matters every day.
We have also been in touch directly with the Senior Presiding Judge, Deputy Senior Presiding Judge, Duncan Webster, and HMCTS and made some practical suggestions - many originating from our members - to help address the current situation. These have been well received and there is no doubt that the senior judiciary and HMCTS staff are doing all that they can to respond to this unprecedented situation. They have our full support. I am grateful to Susan Acland-Hood, Chief Executive of HMCTS, for writing to me to provide an update: her letter is available here (login required).
Obviously, the current situation is very challenging for all involved. If you have any suggestions for improvements that could be made or changes that are needed please email the MA's chief executive, Jon Collins, at [email address]. We really want to hear from our members, and we will ensure that your ideas are passed on to the relevant people.
Finally, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the important contribution that you are making, keeping the courts running in these very difficult circumstances. The justice system could not continue to function without you, and you should not underestimate the valuable contribution that you personally are making to your local communities. Thank you.
Life is in a surreal state of limbo for every one of us at present and most of the problems which were bothering us a couple of months ago have now paled into complete insignificance. But this horrible situation will not continue for ever. And when it eventually ends, we will be able to look back with pride, in the knowledge that we played our part and did our best when the crisis was at its worst.
Look after yourselves and those you love.
To happier times ahead!
Best wishes.
John Bache JP FRCS
National Chair, Magistrates Association
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