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Sunday 11 October 2020

Too Fast Show Host Spared Totting Up Ban

Actor Paul Whitehouse, who co-created The Fast Show, has been spared a driving ban despite clocking up 12 points on his driving licence.

The 62-year-old appeared at Willesden Magistrates' Court on Saturday, 10th October 2020, where he was successful in his exceptional hardship application to avoid disqualification under the totting up rule.

Whitehouse had previously admitted a charge of speeding. His Audi was clocked by an Islington speed camera travelling at 24 mph in a 20 mph zone.

Barrister Richard Saynor, mitigating, said his client had mistakenly thought the stretch of road in question was subject to a 30 mph speed limit.

Mr Saynor told Magistrates that Whitehouse needed a driving licence to travel to work in London's West End when Only Fools and Horses The Musical, which he wrote and stars in, returns to the stage.

He added that Whitehouse was the only person in his household with a driving licence and if he was disqualified he would be unable to transport his 7-year-old daughter or elderly relatives reliant on him.

Furthermore, according to Mr Saynor, Whitehouse didn't want to expose himself to the risk of contracting coronavirus on public transport, as he didn't want to endanger patients at a heart clinic he visited four-times weekly.

Magistrates accepted that the arguments put forward amounted to exceptional hardship.

Whitehouse's licence was endorsed with 3 points for the speeding offence, but he was not disqualified despite now having 12 points.

He was fined £255 and ordered to pay costs and victim surcharge totalling £142.

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