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Friday 12 May 2023

Archbishop of Canterbury Clocked Speeding

The Archbishop of Canterbury was clocked by a speed camera in central London.

Justin Portal Welby, 67, of Lambeth Palace, London, was convicted of exceeding the speed limit at Lavender Hill Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 11th May 2023.

Welby had previously admitted, in his response to a Single Justice Procedure Notice, driving at 25 mph in a temporary 20 mph zone on Albert Embankment, London, on Sunday, 2nd October 2022.

He was fined £300 and ordered to pay £120 surcharge and £85 towards prosecution costs.

His driving licence was also endorsed with 3 penalty points.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where was the almighty god when he needed him/ her. Even god could of told him all rules r legal n no one is above the law not even god or his servantsservants.!!!!!!