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Wednesday 19 July 2023

Drunken Carlisle Women Tortured Parrot Before Breaking its Neck

A pair of drunken Carlisle women inflicted sickening fatal injuries on an African Grey parrot.

I am sad to report yet another distressing example of barbaric animal cruelty. The circumstances of this offence are particularly horrific, which I'd ask people to bear in mind before reading further.

Tracy Dixon, 47, of Warnell Drive, Carlisle, and Nicola Bradley, 35, of Welsh Road, Carlisle, and  each denied a charge of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, but were convicted following trial at Carlisle Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 18th July 2023.

Causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal is an offence under section 4 of the Animal Welfare Act 2004. The maximum penalty is 5 years' custody and/or an unlimited fine on conviction on indictment; 12 months' custody and/or an unlimited fine on summary conviction.

Magistrates heard that Sparky the African Grey met her untimely demise in the most horrific of circumstances on Saturday, 30th July 2022.

Sparky's owner, former soldier Paul Crooks, had been given the bird as a present by a former partner. African Greys are renowned for their intelligence and Sparky was quite the little chatterbox, being able to sing along to the National Anthem and various television theme tunes.

Mr Crooks offered the women, who were friends of his, a lift back to his home after they were unable to get a taxi following a night out in Carlisle. Mr Crooks told the court that the pair were already drunk and continued drinking once they arrived at his home.

Once Mr Crooks had left the room the women proceeded to torture Sparky in her cage. They sprayed the distressed bird with Mr Muscle surface cleaner, shaving foam, Brasso, turpentine and gloss paint.

Sparky was then removed from her cage, hit with a tea towel and placed in the tumble dryer. The women had also tried to feed the bird to Mr Crooks' pet dog.

Mr Crooks described returning to find Sparky's lifeless body, devoid of feathers, hanging half in, half out her cage.

"She was just unrecognisable; had gone from grey to a wet black mess," he said.

Bradley and Dixon initially denied harming Sparky, but later admitted their actions to Mr Crooks.

"At that point I got very upset and started crying. I couldn't believe what I was hearing," he said.

When they were interviewed the woman denied inflicting the fatal injuries on Sparkey, pointing the finger of blame at each other.

Having considered the evidence before the court, Magistrates were of the opinion that both women were guilty of the offence.

Jennifer Wilkinson, Presiding Justice, said: "We are satisfied behind reasonable doubt that both defendants have acted together and are jointly responsible for causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, namely Sparky the parrot."

Magistrates took the view that their sentencing powers were insufficient, so sent the case to Carlisle Crown Court for sentencing. They also ordered a pre-sentence report to assist the Crown Court Judge.

Bradley and Dixon were granted unconditional bail until their sentencing hearing at Carlisle Crown Court on Tuesday, 22nd August 2023.

The behaviour of these two is absolutely deplorable. It is rare for the court to see such depraved acts of animal cruelty. One cannot imagine the terror Sparkey went through as she was systematically abused over the space of many minutes, if not hours. There is no doubt that the poor bird went through significant suffering prior to her death.

This is a case where there is only one right outcome - these two must go immediately to prison for a significant period of time. They must also be disqualified from the ownership of animals indefinitely. The court needs to send out the strongest possible signal that wicked animal welfare crimes attract the most severe punishment.

For reference, the relevant sentencing guideline can be viewed here. I don't think there is any doubt that this is a case of high culpability and greater harm, so category A1 (starting point 2 years' custody) on the guideline.

Update (29/8/23): Dixon and Bradley were sentenced at Carlisle Crown Court on 29th August 2023.


Anonymous said...

Evil psycho sick b****** the pair of them hope karma catches up with you both

Anonymous said...

2 burning questions:

1. Why did he not just take them straight home?


2. How bloody long was he out of the room for?!

Magistrates Blogger said...

Carlisle Crown Court on Tuesday, 22nd August 2023 - the place to be for answers!