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Friday 21 July 2023

Frustrated Worcester Pensioner Smashed Locked Police Station Door

A frustrated Worcester pensioner smashed the door of the city's police station when he found it was locked.

Antony Drakes, 69, of Edgeworth Close, Worcester, admitted criminal damage when he appeared in custody at Kidderminster Magistrates' Court on Monday, 17th July 2023.

He also admitted failing to surrender to the custody of Worcester Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 13th July 2023, where the matter was originally to be dealt with.

Criminal damage is an offence under section 1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971. Criminal damage below £5,000 is a summary offence, with a maximum penalty of 3 months' custody and/or a fine at level 4. We have previously written a guide to the offence of criminal damage, which some readers may find of interest.

The circumstances of the offence, on the face of it, seem very straightforward.

Drakes has attended the police station to conduct some business at the front counter. As is increasingly the case, the front counter was unmanned and doors locked.

Having wasted his time and effort travelling to the police station, Drakes has vented his frustration on the glass door.

A warrant was issued for Drakes' arrest when he failed to attend court on 13th July, which is why he appeared in custody at Kidderminster. That being the case, he has already spent some time (perhaps more than a day, given it was the weekend) in custody.

Magistrates' decided to deal with the criminal damage matter by way of a standalone compensation order, which means there was no requirement to order a payment towards prosecution costs or surcharge.

It would appear that they have dealt with the failure to surrender by deeming the time served in custody.

Drakes was ordered to pay £500 in compensation to West Mercia Police.

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