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Tuesday 11 June 2024

Prolific Northumberland Shop Thief Jailed

A prolific Northumberland shop thief has been jailed after embarking on yet another stealing spree just a fortnight into a suspended sentence order.

Adam Watson, 25, of Broadway, Guide Post, Northumberland, admitted three offences of shop theft and breaching a restraining order when he appeared at South East Northumberland Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, 5th June 2024.

Magistrates heard that Watson, a frequent flyer within the criminal justice system, had been convicted of ten offences of shop theft at the same court on Wednesday, 22nd May 2024. The Bench on that occasion sentenced him to 20 weeks' custody suspended for 12 months.

According to reports, he was also made subject to a restraining order banning him from certain retail premises in the local area. If accurate, that would suggest Watson has shown hostility towards retail staff during the commission of his offences.

On Monday, 3rd June 2024, less than a fortnight after his previous appearance in court, the career crook was out thieving yet again.

This time he stole three bottles of vodka from Asda in Ashington; meat from the Co-Op store in North Seaton; and coal from the Jet service station in Stakeford.

Mindful of Watson's horrific antecedence, Magistrates were of the view that his offences were so serious that only a custodial sentence was appropriate. They also activated his suspended sentence in full.

Watson was sentenced to a total of 34 weeks' immediate custody.

He was also ordered to pay £154 surcharge and £85 towards prosecution costs.

PC Philip Oliver of Northumbria Police said: "Watson was given a final chance to clear up his act but has clearly not learnt his lesson, and this is a good result which has seen a repeat offender imprisoned.

"He has shown no remorse for his actions or showed any signs of attempting to change his behaviour, and I am pleased he will no longer cause any disruption for retailers in the near future."

A good bit of sentencing that should hopefully curb Watson's thieving ways for a few months.

I doff my cap to the North Northumbria Bench colleagues involved in this case.

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